Przetłumacz na angielski: Pewnego dnia Edward wybrał się ze swoimi przyjaciółmi do baru. Miło spędzali czas, Edward był wesoły. Kiedy wracał do domu było już ciemno i późno. Jego rodzice spali, a on nie miał kluczy aby wejść do domu. Nie chciał budzić rodziców, i postanowił wejść przez okno do swojego pokoju. Gdy wchodził przez okno, zobaczyli to jego sąsiedzi. Wzięli go za złodzieja i zadzwonili po policję. Gdy przyjechała policja, okazało się, że w domu nie ma żadnego złodzieja! Policja odjechała a cała rodzina poszła spać. Rano Edward opowiedział wszystko swoim rodzicom. Oni śmiali się z jego wyczynu i tata poinformował go, że klucz do drzwi zostawia w ogrodzie w krasnalu, i że następnym razem nie ma wchodzić przez okno.
proszę o pomoc :)
konradkumorOne day Edward went with his friends to the bar. It's nice to spend time, Edward was gay. When he came home it was dark and late. His parents were asleep, and he did not have the keys to enter the house. He did not want to wake their parents, and decided to enter through the window to his room. When he entered through the window, saw his neighbors. They took him for a thief and called the police. When police arrived, they found that the house has no thief! The police drove away and the whole family went to sleep. Morning Edward told everything to his parents. They laughed at his feat and dad told him that the key to the door leaves in the garden in the Dwarf, and the next time I have to enter through the window.
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konradkumorOne day Edward went with his friends to the bar. It's nice to spend time, Edward was gay. When he came home it was dark and late. His parents were asleep, and he did not have the keys to enter the house. He did not want to wake their parents, and decided to enter through the window to his room. When he entered through the window, saw his neighbors. They took him for a thief and called the police. When police arrived, they found that the house has no thief! The police drove away and the whole family went to sleep. Morning Edward told everything to his parents. They laughed at his feat and dad told him that the key to the door leaves in the garden in the Dwarf, and the next time I have to enter through the window.