Polska to duży kraj w europie. Graniczy z siedmioma krajami. Morze Bałtyckie jest na północy Polski. Stolicą jest Warszawa a waluta to PLN. Językiem oficjalnym jest język Polski. Wszyscy ludzie mówią po polsku. Większość uczniów uczy się w szkole Angielskiego. W polsce jest dużo ludzi z innych krajów
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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Poland is a large country in Europe. It borders with seven countries. The Baltic Sea is to the north Polish. Warsaw is the capital and the currency is PLN. The official language is the language of Polish. All people speak Polish. Most students are taught English in school. In Poland there is a lot of people from other countries
Poland is a large country in Europe. It borders with seven countries. The Baltic Sea is to the north Polish. Warsaw is the capital and the currency is PLN. The official language is the language of Polish. All people speak Polish. Most students are taught English in school. In Poland there is a lot of people from other countries