Przetłumacz na angielski : Kiedy Bill przyszedł, Suzan siedziała w fotelu i oglądała telewizję. Miała na sobie niebieskie jeansy i czerwony sweter, obok niej leżał na podłodze leżał pies. Kiedy zauważyła Billa odwróciła się, uśmiechnąła i powiedziała aby usiadł. On usiadł i przez pół godziny czekał żeby coś powiedziała ale ona nic nie powiedziała. W końcu wstała kiedy wychodził, pies zaczął szczekać kiedy Bill zamykał drzwi.
When the bill came, Susan was sitting in a chair and watching TV. She was wearing blue jeans and a red sweater, lay beside her on the floor lay a dog. When I saw Bill turned and smiled and told him to sit down. He sat down and waited for half an hour to say something but she did not say anything. In the end, she got up when he left, the dog began to bark when Bill closed the door.
When the Bill came, Susan was sitting in a chair and watching TV. She was wearing blue jeans and a red sweater, lay beside her on the floor lay a dog. When I saw Bill turned and smiled and told him to sit down. He sat down and waited for half an hour to say something but she did not say anything. In the end, she got up when he left, the dog began to bark when Bill closed the door.
When the Bill came, Susan was sitting in a chair and watching TV. She was wearing blue jeans and a red sweater, lay beside her on the floor lay a dog. When I saw Bill turned and smiled and told him to sit down. He sat down and waited for half an hour to say something but she did not say anything. In the end, she got up when he left, the dog began to bark when Bill closed the door.
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