March 2019 0 36 Report
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Przetłumacz na język polski. 14. Painting 14.1. General provisions 14.1.1. Paints may contain toxic or irritant substances and a paint for which no manufacturer's information is available should not be used. 14.1.2. Some paints dry by evaporation of the paint's solvent and the process may cause flammable or toxic vapours. All interior and enclosed spaces should be well ventilated while painting is in progress and until the paint has dried. 14.1.3. Smoking should not be permitted during painting. Naked lights, such as matches, should not be used in spaces until paint has fully dried. 14.1.4. Great care should be taken when mixing two-pack (two component) paint as a chemical reaction takes place during the mixing which might create heat and fumes. 14.1.5. Chemical rust removers are corrosive and precautions should be taken to protect eyes and skin. 14.1.6. Spaces where paint and painting equipment are stored should be well ventilated. (See section 10.9 for guidance concerning entry into such spaces when the ventilation system is inoperative.) 14.2. Spraying 14.2.1. Personnel should closely follow the manufacturer's instructions on the operation of spray equipment. 14.2.2. A "paint mist" may form during spraying operations and personnel should wear suitable personal protective equipment such as a combination suit, hood, gloves and eye protectors. A respirator may also be necessary. 14.2.3. Paints containing mercury, lead or any toxic compounds should not be sprayed in interior spaces. 14.2.4. Airless spray equipment ejects paint at a very high pressure. The operation is hazardous as the paint can penetrate the skin or cause eye injuries. Great care should be taken in the use of such equipment. 14.2.5. Seafarers should be trained in the correct methods of unblocking nozzles according to the manufacturer's instructions. Accident prevention on board ship 56 14.3. Painting aloft and working over the side 14.3.1. Chapter 15 should be read for the precautions to be taken when working aloft and over the side.

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