przetłumacz na angielski : wycieczkę Pojechaliśmy do Warszawy do kina.
2.Naszymi opiekunami byli Anna Nowak i mama Michała
3.Wycieczka była bardzo udana
4.Spędziliśmy3 godziny w kinie
5.W wolnym czasie chodziliśmy po sklepach
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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2.Our caregivers were Jane Smith and Michael's mom.
3.Trip was very successful.
4.We spent 3 hours in the cinema.
5.In his spare time we went around the shops.
1. We went for a trip to the cinema in Warsaw
2. Our carers were Anna Nowak and Michał's mom.
3.The trip was very successful.
4. We spent 3 hours in the cinema.
5. In the spare time we did some shopping.