Przetłumacz e-maila na j.angielski: BEZ POMOCY TRANSLATORÓW.
Droga Kasiu,
Nie uwierzysz co się stało! Dzisiaj po szkole Tom i Victor zaczęli się kłócić o to kto jest silniejszy. Kłótnię zaczął Tom i prawie doszło między nimi do bójki !
Nagle się zjawiłam. Wyjaśniłam kolegom, że nie ma się o co kłócić, a tym bardziej bić, że nie można rozwiązywać problemów w ten sposób.
Oboje przyznali mi rację. W zamian za rozwiązanie konfliktu chłopaki zaprosili mnie na lody. Oczywiście się zgodziłam, bo wiesz jak bardzo lubię lody ;)
Czekam na odpowiedź i pozdrawiam,
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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Dear Kate (lub Kasia/Katarzyno xD zależy od Ciebie :D ),
You'll not belive what happened! Today after school Tom and Victor began to argue about who is stronger. Everything was started from Tom he said that he's stronger. And almost came to a fight between them!
I suddenly came to them. I translate them that there isn't arguing abaut that. And I told them that they can't solve the problems in this way.
Boys admitted I was right. In exchange for the settlement of the conflict the guys invited me for ice cream.Of course I said yes, cause you know how much i like ice cream;)
Love and kisses .. xo
pewnie to bd źle :D
bo to je jaa :D
ale pamiętaj, że każdy paragraf od nowej linijki ^^
życzę miłego dniaa ..
`ciaao . ♥
Dear Kasia,
you won't believe what happened. Today after school Tom and Victor started argueing with each other over it who is stronger. The row was started by Tom and it almost went to a fight between them.
Suddenly I appeared. I explained to boys that there is no point to argue and what more to fight. They can't solve problems in that way.
They both admitted that I am right. For the resolution the conflict boys invited me on ice cream. Of course I agreed, because you know how much I like ice cream.
I'm waiting for your answer and I'm sending greetings,