Przetłumacz DOBRZE te zdania:
Bycie samotnym jest proste ponieważ gdy jesteśmy sami jest cicho i spokojnie, nikt nam nie przeszkadza . Możemy się skupić na sobie. Nie musimy z nikim dzielić łazienki nie kłócimy się z nikim o oglądanie telewizji ani nie musimy się dzielić jedzeniem . Gdy jest nam smutno i czujemy się samotnie możemy wyjść ze znajomymi do parku lub do kina .
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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Being alone is simple, because when you're alone it's quiet and calm, nobody interrupts you. You can focus on yourself. You don't have to share the bathroom with anyone, you don't quarrel about watching TV and you don't have to share food. When you're sad, you can go out with your friends to a park or to the movies.
The lonely existence is rude because when we are alone it is quiet and calmly, nobody disturbs us . We can concentrate on each other. We do not have to distribute the bathroom with nobody we do not quarrel with anyone about the inspection of the television neither do not have to divide the food . When is us sadly and we feel alone we can go out with acquaintances to the park or to the cinema .