PRZETŁUMACZ czas future + to be going to. Nasz świat za 100 lat będzie wyglądał bardzo dziwnie. Według mnie technologia będzie w 100% tchniona w nasze życie. Ludzie stworzą nowe technologie, samochody będą latać na pare wodną, będzie bardzo gorąco na całej kuli ziemskiej, komputery będą wielkości telefonu komórkowego, a telefony będą tak rozbudowane, że będzie można pisać na nich prace jak na komputerze. Media społecznościowe przejdą na zapoznawanie nowych znajomości online, a nie na żywo. Ludzie bez przyjaciół będą mogli zakupić roboty, które w podobny sposób jak człowiek będą zachowywać się i służyć za dobre towarzystwo. Nauczą się gotować, sprzątać, prać i wiele innych prac domowych. Komunikacja z całą pewnością będzie za 100 lat łatwiejsza. Będzie można podróżować bardzo szybko, prawdopodobnie zaistnieje także możliwość zasiedlenia obcych planet.
Our world is going to look really weird in 100 years. In my opinion technology is going to be breathed into our live. People are going to create new technologies, planes are going to fly with steam, it is going to be really hot on the whole Earth, computers are going to have the size of phone, and the phones are going to be that extensive so you will be able to do works on them like on the computer. Social media are going to make new friends online but not in real life. People without friends are going to be able to buy robots which are going to act similar to human and be a great company. They are going to learn how to cook, clean, wash and much more. Certainly the communication will be easier in 100 years. You will be able to travel really fast and there will probably also be the possibility of inhabiting foreign planets.
Our world is going to look really weird in 100 years. In my opinion technology is going to be breathed into our live. People are going to create new technologies, planes are going to fly with steam, it is going to be really hot on the whole Earth, computers are going to have the size of phone, and the phones are going to be that extensive so you will be able to do works on them like on the computer. Social media are going to make new friends online but not in real life. People without friends are going to be able to buy robots which are going to act similar to human and be a great company. They are going to learn how to cook, clean, wash and much more. Certainly the communication will be easier in 100 years. You will be able to travel really fast and there will probably also be the possibility of inhabiting foreign planets.