1.Lubię spędzać wakacje w polskich dolinach. 2.Wpierw musisz przycisnąć przycisk, a potem wybrać język 3.Chciałbym zwiedzić Szwajcarię. 4.On powiedział, że jest uczniem. 5.On kazał mi skończyć zadanie domowe. 6.On zapytał się czy Nil płynie przez Egipt. 7.On zapytał Piotrka, czy jego siostra mieszka w Londynie. 8.Nie interesuje się klęskami natury. 9.Wiosna, to najładniejsza pora roku. 10.Wyrzucanie śmieci powinno być zabronione.
Plis na jutro...
1 I like to spend their holidays in the Polish valleys 2 In the first you have to press the button, then select the language 3 I would like to visit Switzerland 4 He said that he was a disciple 5 He told me to finish homework. 6 He asked whether the Nile flows through Egypt. 7 He said Piotr whether his sister lives in London. 8 is not interested in the nature of disasters. 9 Spring is the prettiest time of year. 10 Throwing garbage should be prohibited.
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1. I like to spend their holidays in the Polish valleys 2. In the first you have to press the button, then select the language 3. I would like to visit Switzerland 4. He said that he was a disciple 5. He told me to finish homework. 6. He asked whether the Nile flows through Egypt. 7. He said Piotr whether his sister lives in London. 8. Is not interested in the nature of disasters. 9. Spring is the prettiest time of year. 10. Throwing garbage should be prohibited.
2 In the first you have to press the button, then select the language
3 I would like to visit Switzerland
4 He said that he was a disciple
5 He told me to finish homework.
6 He asked whether the Nile flows through Egypt.
7 He said Piotr whether his sister lives in London.
8 is not interested in the nature of disasters.
9 Spring is the prettiest time of year.
10 Throwing garbage should be prohibited.
2. In the first you have to press the button, then select the language
3. I would like to visit Switzerland
4. He said that he was a disciple
5. He told me to finish homework.
6. He asked whether the Nile flows through Egypt.
7. He said Piotr whether his sister lives in London.
8. Is not interested in the nature of disasters.
9. Spring is the prettiest time of year.
10. Throwing garbage should be prohibited.