Przetlumasz 5 zdań na jezyk angielski:
1. Ile czasu dziennie korzystasz z internetu?
2. Gdzie pracuje twoja mama?
3. O której twoi rodzice idą spać?
4. Co robicie wieczorem?
5. Co pobierasz z internetu?
Tylko proszę bez translatora, bo one źle tłumaczą :)
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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How much time per day use the internet?
Where he is your mom?
When does your parents go to bed?
What are you doing tonight?
What you download from the internet?
how much time use to internet to day??
where are work your mother?
what time your parents go sleep?
what are you doing in evening?
what are you download from the internet?