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Ludzie przewaznie jezdza do Irlandii aby zwiedzac zabytki, zamki. Sniadanie w Irlandii wyglada tak ze sa kielbaski samzone lub zwykla jajecznica. Najwazniejszym swietem tam jest swieto Patryka. Wtedy organizowane sa koncerty festyny i rozne zabawy dla ludzi. W Dublinie jest zamek dublinski, w ktorym mozna podziwiac rozne budowle oraz wynalazki. Symbolem tego kraju jest Lepriko, maly i zlosliwy skrzat. W kraju zyja takie zwierzeta jak:tygrysy, krowy, ptaki, malpy i inne. Na safari zyja foki. Ludzie maja samochody ktorymi moga poruszac sie po miescie. w Irlandii ludzi obchodzi sport, rygby i pilka nozna. Jednym z pilkarzy w Irlandii jest Damien JONHSON. Jest on pomocnikiem srodkowego na pozycji. Niektorzymaja wlasne domy i zakladaj ogrody, w ktorych rosna piekne i kolorowe kwiaty. Mieszkancy domow, mieszkan maja takze psy domowe. W Irlandii pogoda jest zmienna raz jest zimno i deszczowo a raz cieplo i slonecznie. W Irlandii na cmentarzach sa pomniki w ksztalcie krzyza nie jest tak jak w Polsce.
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People mainly are going to Ireland in order to see the monuments, locks. The breakfast in Ireland looks this way that there are fried sausages or ordinary scrambled eggs. There a Patryka holiday is the most important holiday. Then concerts are being organised fetes and different parties for people. There are a Dublin lock, in which it is possible to admire different buildings and inventions in Dublin. , Small and malicious Lepriko is a symbol of this country dwarf. In the country such an animals live as: tigers, cows, birds, monkeys and other. On the safari seals live. People of the May cars by which they can get about the city. in Ireland sport, the rugby and the football concern people. In Ireland Damien JONHSON is one of footballers. he is a stand-off half on the position. Some of May homes of one's own and are establishing gardens, in which beautiful and colourful flowers grow.Occupants of houses, also domestic dogs have flats. In Ireland the weather is changeable once is coldly and rainy but once warmly and sunny. There are cross-shaped monuments in Ireland on graveyards it isn't as this way as in Poland.