Przetlumacz zdania na jezyk angielski z uzyciem present simple lub present contines.
Czy ty mowisz po angiesku. simple
W poniedzialki zwykle gram w siatkowke z moimi przyjaciolmi. simple
W wakacje jade do mojej cioci do berlina . contines
Jak sie dzisiaj czujesz.contines
Za tydzien wyjezdzam nad morze. contines
Ogladam teraz bardzo interesujacy program w telewizji. contines
Moj brat jest dyrektorem duzej firymy. simple
Nigdy nie pije mleka , simple
Idziemy dzisiaj do kina. contines
Nie lubie filmow fabularnych. simple
on duzo wie na temat samochodow. simple
zawsze rano ogladam wiadomosci . simple
co ty myslisz na temat pracy w wakacjach . simple
nie lubie geografi i histori . simple
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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Do you speak English?
In Mondays I usually play in volleyball with my friends
In holidday I am going to my aunt in Berlin
How are you feeling today
On next week I'm going to the seaside
I am waching very interesting film in TV
My brother is the director of a large company
I never drink milk
Today we are going to cinema.
I do not like fiction movie.
He knows a lot about cars
Always morning I watch news
What do you think about workin the holidays.
I do not like geography and history
1. Do you speak English?
2. I usually play volleyball with my friends on Monday.
3. I going to my aunt in holiday. She's live in Berln.
4. How are you today?
5. I'm leaving for a week on the sea.
6. I'm watching interesting programme in TV now.
7. My brother is a director of a large company.
8. I never drink milk.
9. Are we going to the cinema today?
10. I do not like fiction movie.
11. He knows a lot about cars.
12. I always in the morning watching the news.
13. How about work in the holidays.
13. I don't like geography and history.
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