Przetlumacz :
*Najchetniej wybralabym sklep nr 1, poniewaz Moja kolezanka uwielbia torebki.
Jest ich wielka fanatyczka i posiada ogromna kolekcje. Najbardziej lubi te skorzane, duze torby. Sklep 1 jest jak widac rewelacyjnie zaopatrzony i mysle, ze spokojnie moglabym znalezc idealny model, ktory przypadlby do gustu mojej kolezance.
*MOja kolezanka nie lubi bizuterii, rzadko ja nosi. Zawsze uwaza, ze bizuteria jest dobra dla starszych Pan, ktore cenia sobie elegancje i wytwornosc. W zakupie pierscionka mialabym takze problem z odpowiednim rozmiarem. Problemem moglyby byc takze pieniadze, gdyz bizuteria z reguly jest bardzo droga. Sadze, ze bizuteria nie sprawilaby przyjemnosci mojej kolezance
Stawiam na prezenty praktyczne, a nie na takie, ktore beda lezaly bezuzytecznie.
* Ludzie czesto chodza do secund- handu z powodow finansowych. Ubrania w tego typu sklepach sa duzo tansze, niz w znanych sieciowkach, ale mozna tam znalezc czesto niesamowite perelki. Na internecie sa wiele podanych stron z takimi perelkami i smialo moge powiedziec, ze niektore dziewczyny potrafia znalezc rewelacyjne ubrania, w naprawde niskich cenach.
* nie ja nie chodze do tego typu sklepow, gdyz nie umiem w nich nic znalezc. czesto ubrania sw w duzych koszach i trzeba niemalej wytrwalosci, aby przeszukac to i znalezc cos naprawde reewlacyjnego. Nie mam do tego cierpliwosci.
* Zakup butow moze byc zlym rozwaizaniem, poniewaz mozemy nie trafic z rozmiarem.Zosia posiada juz zreszta sporoa kolekcje obuwie i nie sadze, aby posuzkiwala kolejnej pary. Mysle , ze dobrym prezentem moze byc bransoletka. Mozemy wydac 20 euro. Najlepszym sklepem bedzie apart- bizuteria tam pomimo ceny jest rewelacyjna i idealna na prezent.
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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* Best if I would choose to shop No. 1, because My friend, she loves bags. There are a great fanatic, and has a huge collections. Most liked the leather, big bags. Shop 1 is provided as is seen sensational and I think that I could easily find the perfect model, who fall in love with my colleague.
* My friend does not like jewelry, I rarely wear. Always believes that jewelry is good for older Pan, who appreciate elegance and refinement. In purchasing the ring I would have also the problem of a suitable size. The problem could also be money, because jewelry is usually very expensive. Saga, the jewelry would do no pleasure to my colleague. I put the presents practical, and not on those that will be lying idle.
* People often go to the secunda-handu of financial reasons. In this type of clothing stores are much cheaper, than in known networks, but there can often find incredible gems. On the web sites listed are many of these gems and I can boldly say that some girls can find amazing clothes at really low prices.
* No I do not go to such shops, because I can not find anything in them. Often the clothes are in large baskets and have considerable perseverance that searched it and found something really sensational. I have no patience for that.
* Buying boots can be a bad solution, because we can not find the size. Sophie has been stressed a lot of collections of shoes and I do not think that looking for another pair. I think it might be a good gift bracelet. We can spend 20 euros. The best apart-store jewelry will be there even though the price is sensational and perfect gift.