Prosze o przetlumaczenie nasteopujacych zwrotow.
1) Uwilbiam biegac, poniewaz jest to sport, ktory mozna wykonywac z przyjaciolmi.
Dzieki niemu poproawiamy wyglad swojej sylwetki, stajemy sie odporniejsi i nasza kondycja jest lepsza. Latem, dzieki biegom mozemy uzyskac piekna opalenizne.
Biegi mozna wykonywac o kazdej porze dnia i sa one dla wszytskich- zarowno amatorow, jak i profesjonalistow.
2) - wydaje mi sie, ze ci ludzie sa amatorami.
- Tak, gdyz jest to idealny sprawdzian naszej kondycji.
- tak, bralam udzial rok temu w biegach przelajowych. Byl to spory wysilek, gdyz nalezalo pokonac dystans 3 km. Bez wczesniejszych przygotowan byloby to bardzo trudne, wrecz niemozliwe do wykonania.
3 ) Ludzie biora udzial w maratonie . Jest ich naprawde sporo. po lewej stronie widzimy obserwatorow, ktorzy prawdopodobnie dopinguja biegaczy
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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1. I love running because it is a sport you can do with your friends. Thanks to running you can improve your silhouette, we become more resistant and our physical condition gets much better. In the summertime, when you run you can get a healthy looking tan. You can run whatever time you would please and everyone can do it-beginners and proffesionalists!
a. I think those people are amatuers.
b. Yes, it is a perfect test to check our condition.
c. Yes, last year I took part in cross-country races. It was quite exhuasting. We had to run 3 km! If you didn't train before the race, it would've been impossible to complete!
3. People take part in marathons. There are so many of them! On the left we can see the observers, who are cheering on the runners.
1)I adore running, because it is sport, which you do with friends. With this sport we improve apperance of our figure, we get immune and our fitness is better. In summer, owing to running we can get beautiful suntan. You can do running in every time of day and they are for everyone- both for amateurs and professionals.
2) - I think that this people are amateurs.
-Yes because it the best test for our fitness.
-Yes, I took part in footrace year ago. It was huge effort, because we had to run 3 km. Without earlier preaparations it would be really hard even impossible to do.
3) People are taking part in marathon. There are many of them. On the left side we can see observers who are probably urging runners on.