1) Wymień 2 pasma górskie Polski 2) Kim był Fryderyk Chopin 3) Jak nazywał się papież Polak 4) Wymień dwie rzeki polskie 5) Wymień zachodniego sąsiada Polski 6) Wymień wschodnich sąsiadów Polski 7) Jaką wyspe Polska dzieli z Niemcami na morzu bałtyckim? 8) Z kim Polska organizowała mistrzostwa europy w piłce nożnej w 2012 roku? 9)Miasto o największym w europie rynku. jego zabytkami są m.in sukiennice i wawel
1. List 2 mountain ranges in Poland 2. Who was Frederic Chopin? 3. What was the name of the Polish Pope? 4. List two polish rivers 5. Name one Polish neighbour / one country neighbouring / bordering Poland 6. Name Eastern countries bordering / neighbouring Poland. 7. What island does Poland share with Germany in the Baltic Sea? 8. Who did Poland organise the Football World Cup in 2012 with? 9. A city with the biggest market square in Europe. Its monuments are, for example Clothes Hall or Wawel/
2. Who was Frederic Chopin?
3. What was the name of the Polish Pope?
4. List two polish rivers
5. Name one Polish neighbour / one country neighbouring / bordering Poland
6. Name Eastern countries bordering / neighbouring Poland.
7. What island does Poland share with Germany in the Baltic Sea?
8. Who did Poland organise the Football World Cup in 2012 with?
9. A city with the biggest market square in Europe. Its monuments are, for example Clothes Hall or Wawel/