PRZETLUMACZ NA JEZYK ANGIELSKI . Jestesmy grupą przyjaciol z roznych krajow .Organizujemy akcje segregacje odpadow . Chcemy zaprosic Panią na tą akcje w celu wsparcia naszej grupy . To tylko jeden dzien a mozna wiele zdzialac .
We are the group of friends from different countries. We organise the action connected with segregating wastes. We would like to invite you to support our group. It's only one day, but we can do a lot.
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We are a group of friends from different countries. We are organising a recycling action. We would like to invite you to participate in the action and support our group. It is just one day but it can change a lot.
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We are a group of friends from different countries. Organize waste segregation shares. We invite your lady to share in order to support our group. This is just one day and you can make a difference.