przeksztalc na str. bierna:
the chef hasn't made dinner
an explorer has found a dinosaur egg
mrs gates will look after the baby
they won't take him home after the party
someone left the front door open
jenny didn't break the window
someone is using the computer
his brother taugh him to drive
many people speak english
the dr. had already told him to go on a diet
the author is writing a new book
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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Dinner hasn't been made by the chef.
Dinosaur egg has been found by an explorer.
The baby will be looked at by Mrs Gates.
He won't be taken home after the party.
The front door has been left open by someone.
The window was not broken by Jenny.
The computer is being used by someone.
He was taught to drive by his broter.
English is spoken by many people.
He was told by the doctor to go on a diet already.
A new book is being written by the author.