przekształć zdania twierdzące w pytania i przeczenia-Present Simple
1.We live in New York
2.He speaks English and Italian
3.My brother goes cycling enery day
4.Cindy read a lot of horror books
5.They go to the cinema once a month
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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Do we live in New York?
He doesn't speak English and Italian
Does he speak English and Italian ?
My brother doesn't go cycling every day
Does my brother go cycling every day ?
Cindy doesn't read a lot of horror books
Does Cindy read a lot of horror books ?
( czasownic read NIE zmienia tu formy poniewaz jest nieregularny :))
They don't go to the cinema once a month
Do they go to the cinema once a month ?
p.s. sorry ze wczesniej nie napisalam pytan nie doczytalam polecenia ;)
We don't live in New York.
2. Does he speak English and Italian?
He doesn't speak English and Italian.
3. Does my brother go cycling ever day?
My brother doesn't go cycling every day.
4. Does Cindy read a lot of horror books?
Cindy doesn't read a lot of horror book.
5. Do they go to the cinema once a month?
They don't go to the cinema once a month.