October 2018 1 111 Report

Przekształć zdania, rozpoczynając od podanychsłów, tak aby zachować znaczenie zdania wyjściowego. Czy użycie wyrażenia z by na końcu zdania jest konieczne?

1. Roman Polańska directed 'The Pianist'.

'The Pianist' was directed by Roman Polański.

2. Nobody has informed us about the changes to the train table.


3. They are still repairing my bicycle.

My bicycle.................................

4. Will they punish him for skipping school?

Will he.....................................

5. Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephone in 1876.

The telephone.............................

6. They don't sell fresh fruit adn vegetables here.

Fresh friut and vegetables..................

7. I discovered that somebody had burgled our house.

I discovered that our house......................

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Uzupełnij zdania podanymi w ramce rodzajami programów telewizyjnych.cartoons, live broadcasts of football matches, quiz shows, reality shows, serials, sitcoms, soap operas, talk shows, the news1. I only________. I want to be informed about current affairs and I have no time for nonsense.2. I watch a lot of_________ and_________. I'm always waiting for the next episode!3. I like a good laugh. It helps me relax. I watch________ a lot.4. I enjoy watching________. I can usually answer more of the questions than the people in the studio!5. You can call me childish if you like- I love________!6. I often watch________. It's interesting to hear the stories people tell.7. For me, the best fun is watching_______ with friends, commenting on the game and shouting when our team scores.8. I watch_______. I like voting on who should be thrown out and who should stay.Uzupełnij czasowniki złożone przyimkami z ramki.back, in, on, on, off, off/out1. I'd like to try________ this jumper, please.2. These trousere are too small. I'll have to take them___________.3. They set ______ at seven a.m. , so they should be there by now.4. As the plane took_____, I took one last look at the beutiful island.5. After he checked________ for the flight, Frank realised he'd left his wallet at home.6. I got________ the bus, found a window seat and got out my mp3 player.Do podanych przymiotników dopasuj przymiotkiki z ramki, ktore z nimi kontrastuja.classical, double, loose, return, subtitled, trendy1. tight clothes-________- clothes2. unfashionable clothes___________clothes3. a single room- a _______ room4. a single ticket-a__________ ticket5. a dubbed film-a________ film6. pop music-_________musicPołącz słowa, aby utworzyc rzeczowniki.1. cash2. sell-by3. youth4. petrol5. feature6. quiza) filmb) stationc) showd) datee) machinef) hostel

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