October 2018 2 502 Report

Choose the correct verb.

1. You needn't/ mustn't drive to the station. I'll give you a lift.

2. I must/ mustn't do my homework this evening. It's for tomorrow.

3. You needn't/ mustn't go to bed. You can stay up.

4. They needn't/ mustn't be home late. They're getting up very early tomorrow.

5. You needn't/ must listen to the new Paloma Faith CD. It's fantastic.

6. You needen't/ mustn't interrupt. It's rude.

7. You mustn't/ needen't turn up the TV. I can hear it very well.

8. I must/ mustn't forget to buy Max a present. It's his birthady on Sunday.

Complete the sentences with mustn't or needen't and the verbs in the box.

forget, get up, hurry, recharge, watch, wear

1. You_________ the battery. I've already done it.

2. You_________ to phone George. He's expecting a call from you.

3. We__________. There's plenty of time.

4. I_________ TV this evening. I've got loads of homework!

5. He_________ early. He can stay in bed.

6. He__________ that old sweatshirt. It's got holes in it.

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Uzupełnij zdania podanymi w ramce rodzajami programów telewizyjnych.cartoons, live broadcasts of football matches, quiz shows, reality shows, serials, sitcoms, soap operas, talk shows, the news1. I only________. I want to be informed about current affairs and I have no time for nonsense.2. I watch a lot of_________ and_________. I'm always waiting for the next episode!3. I like a good laugh. It helps me relax. I watch________ a lot.4. I enjoy watching________. I can usually answer more of the questions than the people in the studio!5. You can call me childish if you like- I love________!6. I often watch________. It's interesting to hear the stories people tell.7. For me, the best fun is watching_______ with friends, commenting on the game and shouting when our team scores.8. I watch_______. I like voting on who should be thrown out and who should stay.Uzupełnij czasowniki złożone przyimkami z ramki.back, in, on, on, off, off/out1. I'd like to try________ this jumper, please.2. These trousere are too small. I'll have to take them___________.3. They set ______ at seven a.m. , so they should be there by now.4. As the plane took_____, I took one last look at the beutiful island.5. After he checked________ for the flight, Frank realised he'd left his wallet at home.6. I got________ the bus, found a window seat and got out my mp3 player.Do podanych przymiotników dopasuj przymiotkiki z ramki, ktore z nimi kontrastuja.classical, double, loose, return, subtitled, trendy1. tight clothes-________- clothes2. unfashionable clothes___________clothes3. a single room- a _______ room4. a single ticket-a__________ ticket5. a dubbed film-a________ film6. pop music-_________musicPołącz słowa, aby utworzyc rzeczowniki.1. cash2. sell-by3. youth4. petrol5. feature6. quiza) filmb) stationc) showd) datee) machinef) hostel

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