Przekształć te zdania na czas przeszły. (że cos się wydarzyło)
1.Tom, Nikola and Lousie arrive at Tom's house.
2. Tom's mother asks him to give his brother something to eat.
3. They decide what to eat.
4. They start to grill some sausages.
5. They go into the sitting room to watch TV.
6. Jamie wants some water and smalls something burning.
7. Tom throws a tea towel over the burning sausages.
prosze.. pomóżcie ! ^^
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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1.Tom, Nikola and Lousie arrived at Tom's house.
2. Tom's mother asked him to give his brother something to eat.
3. They decided what to eat.
4. They started to grill some sausages.
5. They went into the sitting room to watch TV.
6. Jamie has wanted some water and has smelled something burning.
7. Tom has thrown a tea towel over the burning sausages.
Mogłem się pomylić w drugiej połowie 6.