Przeczytaj teksty 1-5 i połącz je z nazwami miejsc A-E . 1.It's very quiet here. There are a lot of things which come from the past. People are going from one room to other rooms. They are looking at different photographs, documents , clothers and common tools used in distant times. ________ 2. It's a beautiful and green place. There's a woman here. She's working with the flowers and bushes. It's hot and sunny. The wind is blowing gently and whispering in the tall trees. A little boy is sitting on the grass near the house. He is playing his toy car. ______ 3.It's very popular place nowadays.The men and women here are very fit. or they try to be fit. They are working very hard to shape their bodies.They are exercising and using a special equipment. They are hot, tired and thirsty, but happy and satisfied. They like this place. _____ 4.There are two people here. A woman is a model. She is standing in front of a wall and moving her face and body to look perfect. The man is asking her to change the position every ten seconds. He is taking a lot of photographs of hers. _______ 5. It's a big room. A lot of people are sitting in the dark but they are very excited. It's very quiet here. There are some men and women on a stage. They are standing and talking in front on the people. They sometimes sing too. _____
A. a theatre B. a gym C. a studio D. a garden E. a museum
2. D
3. B
4. C
5. A