October 2018 1 23 Report

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1. Be like a real woman!

This may sound like the oldest piece of advice in the world BUT let me tell you, it's often the obvious things that women don't remember about. Men will always be attracted to women who look feminine and aren't afraid to show it. For example, they will notice great hair (especially if it's long and your own!), a soft-spoken voice and nice clothes that suit you. Few men like strange-looking girls, believe me!

2. Be confident!

Confidence is an important feature that men notice. Having confidence in yourself will make them notice you 100 per cent and want to get to know you better. Remember not to be overconfident as men aren't keen on big-headed women who always know best.

3. Be interesting!

Men do not like women who seem materialistic. If you only talk to them about financial matters, they will not find that appealing. They may think all you want is their cash! Instead, chat about your own pastimes, plans for the future and things you've read or watched or spare time activities you could do together. Never gossip with them, at least at the beginning!


1. Be like a real man!

Looks aren't everything. Women are more attracted to men who show they can look after their girlfriends than just good looks. Women like realiable men who make them feel safe. They also feel better with a man they think is honest. Being helpful means a lot to women as well, though at the same modern girls enjoy independence.

2. Be funny!

A sense of fun and humour is an attractive feature in a man, and a woman responds to a man who has the ability to share humour with her. This very attractive feature of character does not necessairly mean telling jokes but the ability to see humour is any situation- to be easygoing about things. Humour is definitely one one the top personality traits that attract women.

3. Be clever!

Women find intelligence an attractive feature in a man. This does not mean he has to be a genius or a nerd- just a man able to comment on things that are of interest to them both. A man who is capable of having an intelligent conversation is attractive to even the most successful of women.

1.1. Most men like women who

a) look naturally beautiful

b) show off in front of them

c) look original

d) have short hair

1.2. Having confidence is

a) never an attractive quality

b) always a wanted feature

c) usually a desirable quality

d) hardly ever an unattractive characteristic

1.3. Women should

a) never suggest ways of spending free time together

b) often talk about other people's private lives

c) not talk to men about money too often

d) only talk to men about typical male hobbies

1.4. To be attractive men should

a) look after their appearance

b) be caring and sincere

c) be independent

d) feel emotionally safe

1.5. Most women like men who

a) tell funny jokes

b) don't always take things seriously

c) are fun-loving

d) make others laugh

1.6. Men should

a) look attractive and intelligent

b) be able to discuss topics cleverly

c) mostly talk about their interests

d) be like w walking encyclopaedia

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