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Like many other young people, Sanjana Sanghi from India wanted to help other people. The problem was that she didn't know how to start. After some time she found a school fot the blind, where she became a volunteer. She was so fascinated with charity work that she decided to help other people. She did some research on NGOs (Non-Governmental Organisations; independent organisations concerned with various social issues and problems) and set up a website called Innocent Touch that enables children and teenagers help one of the NGOs she had selected. 1.Why did Sanjana set up her website?
2.What do you think od her idea?
3.. Would you like to help other people as a volunteer?
4.. Do you know any organisations you can turn to ?
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" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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1.sanjana want to help peaple and she make a website
2.her idea is very intresting sanjana is very good peaple and her idea is good
3.yes i want to help she
4. by me she can turn to ?
nie wiem czy dobrze bo nie wiem 1 mam nadzieje ze pomogłam