September 2018 1 72 Report

Przeczytaj tekst. Do każdego akapitu dopasuj właściwy naglówek (A-D). Wpisz odpowiednie litery obok numerów akapitów. Jeden nagłówek jest dodatkowy. A - Some specific ideas B - Problematic dates C - What makes a good date d - Where to start

1. Let a say you have found a person you would really like to go out with, and you are ready to ask that person out on date. 'What are we going to do on our date?' is your first question, It can be particulary tought on a first impression and you may or may not know what your partner fancies. To avoid problems, it is helpful to have some idea about what to do before you call!

2. The activity you pick for the date plays a big part in the date inself. A great activity that feels comfortable for both people can make for a great date. The activity also determines for example how much talking you will have to do or what you 'II have to wear.

. Everyone knows about 'The Big Three. These are safe dates that will cause no waves. They aren't very creative but they are universally acceped. Inviting someone to a movie is definitely safe. One good way to make it a little interesting is to let to your date choose the film. A nice dinner is another classic. To impress your date why cook something yourself? and the last of the three is a disco. It's a good safe bet provided you like dancing and loud music.

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