Przeczytaj informacje Paula o Newcastle i uzupelnij tekst:
Favourite city: Newcastle
Lacotion:north-east of England
Facilition:parks,modern shopping centres
Advantages:good for shopping
Football team:Nwecastle united
City:really exciting
People:very friendly
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Hi I'm Paul and my favorite city is newcastle.It's in the [1]_________ and it's [2]___________ from London.It's quite a big city and there are[3]_____________ people living there.There are[4]_______________ and it's a great place [5]____________ has got[6]______________ newcastle united i'm one of their fans newcastle is a [7]_____________ and the people are[8]_____________ PROSZE O POMOC!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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1) England
2) north-east
3) 280,000
4) modern shopping centres
5) parks
6) football team
7) really exiting
8) very friendly