Przeczytaj informację o Kelly Holmes i odpowiedz na pytania.
Name: Kelly Holmes
Nationality: British athlete
Date of birth: 19th April, 1970
aged 12 - ran at London athletics club
1997-2005 won a lot of races
2004 - two gold medals - 800 and 1500 metres
at 2004 Olympics in Athens
1. What nationality is she?
2. When was she born?
3. Where are when did she start running?
4. How many gold medals has she won?
5. When did she win them?
What sport does Kelly do?
She does athletics.
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1. She is British.
2. She was born on 19th april, 1970.
3. She started at the age of 12 at London Athletic club.
4. She won two gold medals.
5. She won it in 2004.