Prosze w miare szybko ;) Własnie wrociles z zagranicy gdzie pracowałesw barze jako kelner. w emailu do kolegi : -napisz jakie sa twoje wrazenia po pierwszym w twoim zyciu doswiadczeniu zawodowym -napisz czego sie nauczyles -zapros kolege na spotkanie podajac jego szczególy. podpisz sie jako XYZ. długosc emaila od 50 do 100 slow DZIEKI :>
I just got back home from England where I worked as waiter at pub.I am writing to you to tell you about my first contact with this job and experience which I gained.At the beginning I thought that I did not have chances to get this job, becouse in this time I did not have any experiences , all the more reasion I was too young in contradistinction to candidates.But after all I got this job.I was very happy when my employer invited me to interview.
First few days in this job were a little bit hard for me, becouse had to use english language and accent completely different which i learned at school.Thought there was hard I gained high level of english also I learned professional service at pup.Maybe you would like to come to me and I will depict you all events which happened, sometimes funny and somethimes sad.What more we can drink caffe and eat cookies.
Hello Adam,
I just got back home from England where I worked as waiter at pub.I am writing to you to tell you about my first contact with this job and experience which I gained.At the beginning I thought that I did not have chances to get this job, becouse in this time I did not have any experiences , all the more reasion I was too young in contradistinction to candidates.But after all I got this job.I was very happy when my employer invited me to interview.
First few days in this job were a little bit hard for me, becouse had to use english language and accent completely different which i learned at school.Thought there was hard I gained high level of english also I learned professional service at pup.Maybe you would like to come to me and I will depict you all events which happened, sometimes funny and somethimes sad.What more we can drink caffe and eat cookies.
I hope to hear from you soon,