prosze pomocy. Przetumacz na J. angielski nie przez tłumacza google.
W przyszłości chciałabym mieszkać w dżym domu z ogrodem. Na wsi lub w małym miasteczku.
Chciałamym pracować jako prawnik, bo z tego co wiem duzo zarabia, oraz weterynażem. Rozmyślam także nad pracą w szkole jako nauczycielka, ale do tego trzeba mnieć cierpliwość. Chciałabym być także fryzjerką.
Mam nadzieję, że tak będzie w pszyszłości
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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In the future i'd like to live in a big house with a garden. In the village or in the small town. I'd like to work as a lawyer because the lawyer earns a lot of money. I'd like to be a vet too. I'm thinking about work at school - i want to be a teacher but it wants patience. I'd also like to be a hairdresser. I hope future will be like that.
In the future I would like to live in a big house with garden, on a village or in a small town.
My dream job lawyer, because as I know lawyers have great salary. I would also like to be a vet too. I have been thinking about working in school as a teacher, but you have to have lots of patient for that job. I would like to be a hairdresser too.
I hope that my future will look like this.