W anglojęzycznej gazecie przeczytalas artykul, ktorego autor opowiada sie za zakazem ruchu prywatnych samochodow w centrach duzych miast. Napisz list do redakcji przedstawiajacy twoje zdanie na ten temat.
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Dear Sir or Madam I am writing to you because i read your article in "London Times". i can express my opinion in this problem. the title of article was " A private cars in city centre". The author claimed that drivers who drive a private cars in city centre can't do it, because it loose a a big tailbacks. often in this tailbacks emanate for cars accidents. In my opinion this drivers can drive in city centre if they drive a careful. if they won't drive in this places on pavements will be overcrowded. a people will use a public transport which in turn will be overcrowded. only on roads will be solitary. i think that drivers can get about owns cars in city centre. I want that my adertisement will put in your newspaper. in advace thank you.
I am writing to you because i read your article in "London Times". i can express my opinion in this problem. the title of article was " A private cars in city centre".
The author claimed that drivers who drive a private cars in city centre can't do it, because it loose a a big tailbacks. often in this tailbacks emanate for cars accidents. In my opinion this drivers can drive in city centre if they drive a careful. if they won't drive in this places on pavements will be overcrowded. a people will use a public transport which in turn will be overcrowded. only on roads will be solitary. i think that drivers can get about owns cars in city centre.
I want that my adertisement will put in your newspaper. in advace thank you.
Yours faithlfully