prosze o przetłumaczenie na angielski na poziomie klasy 6 z góry dziękuję
Wstaje o 6:00 , 6:30 idę się umyć. O 6:50 Jem śniadanie ,
a o 7:05 myję zęby .Wychodzę do szkoły około 7:25 a o 7:40 jestem na miejscu. Pobyt w szkole trwa około 5-6 godzin zazwyczaj jednak jestem w domu o 13:40. Obiad jem o 13:50 .Potem około 14:00 myję zęby a o 14:10 odrabiam lekcje. Kiedy już to zrobie o 15:30 jade do babci O 19:00 jem kolacje a o 19:30 ide się kompać ,20:00 oglądam telewizje jem kolację , a o 22:00 ide spać .
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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I woke up at 6:00, 6:30 I'm taking a shower. At 6:50 I'm eating brekfast and then at 7:05 I'm brushing my teeth. After that I'm leaving to school about 7:25. At 7:40 I'm next to school. My lessons takes about 5-6 hours but I'm always at home aroun 13:40. I'm eating dinner at 13:50. At 14:00 I'm brushing my teeth again and then around 14:10 I'm doing my homework. After that I'm going to visit my grandparents at 15:30. At 7pm I'm eating something and after that I'm taking a ahower And around 8pm I'm watching TV. I usually go to sleep at 10 pm.
He get up at 6:00, 6:30 I`m going to wash. About 6:50 I eat breakfast and brush my teeth at 7:05. I go to school around 7:25, but about 7:40 am on the spot. Stay in school, it takes about 5-6 hours but I`m usualy home by 13:40. I eat lunch at 13:50. Then around 14:00 i brush my teeth, but about 14:10 my homework. Once this is doneat 15:30I go tomy grandmother.I eatdinnerat 19:00andat 19:30I am goingto bathe, 20:00watch TV, eatdinner, but about22:00I go to sleep.