prosze o pomoc w odpowiedziach do pytań
1. What kind of holiday would it be ?
2. How would you get there ?
3. What type of accommodation would you stay in ?
4. What would you do on holiday ?
za te 4 pytania ofiarowuje duża liczbe punktów.
prosze pomóżcie ;)
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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1)Employer's decision to postpone the leave of a worker can not be arbitrary, because the shift can occur only leave the grounds referred to in the provisions of the Labour Code. Transfer of leave is usually impossible in each of those cases where the employer can replace the worker, and ruled out is to move an employee leave because of the ordinary needs of the employer. In the literature, developed the sample directory for reasons which could justify the move leave the employer. If an employer decides to transfer leave, the employee beyond the expression of his opinion can not question his decision. If, however, decided against the employer does not provide the command, work and go on vacation, his behavior the employer will be able to be considered a breach of fundamental obligations of employees, which may result in disciplinary dismissal.
2) Do manifigue normal work put into a folder just leave mature as best can and may get a check in different directions on this because I can not get wymażony and on some other and become a super specjalistąw the field ... And my professors know all of the ASP, etc to find the briefcase and then :-) zasabotuj effect guaranteed ... Tear or one of them say that, as we all get on the direction that you want to go to the ASP will disappear in smoke and flames ...(nie jestem pewna czy to dobrze;P)
3)Do manifigue normal work put into a folder just leave mature as best can and may get a check in different directions on this because I can not get wymażony and on some other and become a super specjalistąw the field ... And my professors know all of the ASP, etc to find the briefcase and then :-) zasabotuj effect guaranteed ... Tear or one of them say that, as we all get on the direction that you want to go to the ASP will disappear in smoke and flames ...
With eating lots of money, first pojechałabym to Africa. This is one of my biggest dreams. This trip would be an opportunity to visit many interesting places, and most of all I'd know my mother-in-native Nigeryjkę. Yes, yes, I do not belong to the group complaining of the in-laws, but I'm probably one of the few who dream of meeting that person. Upon returning ... cieszyłabym that I finally go there and planowałabym what to do with the enormity of uszczuplających the money. I know, zaprosiłabym mother here and showed Europe.(nie jestem pewna;P)
2 i 4-> nie wiem czy dobrze, ale chyba dobrze;)
Mam nadzieję, że pomogłam;)