October 2018 1 16 Report

Prosze o pomoc .Napiszcie obliczenia .Na dzisiaj .

1. Promień naczynia w kształcie kuli o obiętości 10⅔π litra ma długość :

a). 2 cm ,

b). 4 cm

c). 2 dm

d) 4 dm


1 cm ³ lodu waży 0,9 g . Ile waży kula lodu o średnicy 24 mm ?

a). około 6,5 g

b). około 2,1 g

c). około 65 g

d). około 21 g

3). Na wykonanie świec w kształcie walca i kuli zużyto tyle samo wosku .

Świeca w kształcie kuli ma promień 2 razy mniejszy od promienia podstawy świecy w kształcie walca . Wysokość świecy w kształcie walca jest od promienia kuli :

a). 6 razy mniejsza

b) 6 razy większa

c). 3 razy mniejsza

d). 3 razy większa

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ZADANIE 1. W zadaniach 1-3 wybierz wyraz, który poprawnie uzupełnia luki w obydwu zdaniach. Zakreśl literę A, B albo C. 1. It took Frank a long time to get... the death of his pet parrot. If you have any pizza left..., I d like a piece. A. over B. along C. away 2. Peter can't... out maths problems without using a calculator. This painting is considered to be the artist s finest.... A. piece B. make C. work 3 I’ll see you... at the house after the concert. Peter wants to... out of the plan already. A. return B. drop C. back ZADANIE 2. W zadaniach 1-2 spośród podanych opcji (A-C) wybierz tę, która może najlepiej zastąpić zaznaczony fragment. Zakreśl literę A, B albo C. 1.Henry advised his friend to stick to jogging every morning. A. to start jogging B. to stop jogging C. to continue to jog 2. Make sure to hold on to your little sister s hand as you cross the road. A. let go of B. keep hold of C. stay close to ZADANIE 3. Przeczytaj tekst I dobierz właściwy nagłówek. You Tube : A worldwide web of film -makers 1. Type the word ‘YouTube’ into any search engine and you’ll get around 2 billion hits. You can find everything from music videos to astronomy lectures on this video-sharing website, and the number of videos is growing every day. People don’t just passively view this site-they constantly add to it. Every day, people around the world upload over 50,000 hours of video clips to YouTube and view 2 billion videos ! 2. In 2010, Scottish film- maker Kevin Macdonald came up with the idea of using YouTube co create a documentary called Life in a Day. This film would present a “portrait of the world” on one day. Macdonald asked YouTube users to film some aspect of their lives on 24th July that year and send him their videos. He knew he would get plenty of clips from techno-savvy industrialized countries, so he sent hundreds of cameras to people in poor parts of Africa, Asia and Latin America in an Effort to make the project truly reflect the world. 3. As a footage-gathering experiment, the project was a huge success. More than 80,000 clips with 5,000 hours of footage were submitted to the Life in a Day team. They then had the gigantic task of editing this footage down into a feature-length film. As film editor Joe Walker explained: “After a day when one had seen something like 200 clips- five or six hours of material - you’d feel like a psychotherapist might feel after a full day of listening to people’s private lives and problems- absolutely exhausted!” 4. Having finalised the film, Life in a Day premiered at the Sundance Film festival in Utah, USA in January 2011. and today, the film is available free to watch on YouTube. Viewers can catch glimpses of an Indian man working as a gardener in Dubai, an Australian man who addresses the camera the camera shortly after a major heart operation, and a family of five who live on a two-person boat in Cairo. It’s got the full range and beauty of humanity - all on a 95- minute film! A . CHOOSING THE RIGHT SEGMENTS B. FILMING ON A LIMITED BUDGET C. AN EXPANDING SOURCE OF INFORMATION D. PRESENTING A DIVERSITY OF EXPERIENCES E. 24 HOURS AROUND THE GLOBE F. A COMMERCIAL SUCCESS
I. Uzupełnij zdania : *brought *found *forgot *knew *made *took *taught *understood * 1. The teacher didn’t to repeat his explanation. We ...…. them very well. 2. A group of foreign actors ...…. part in performance last night. 3. My mark was rather poor. I ...…. too many mistakes in my test. 4. Diane was a bit disappointed. Nobody ...…. her any birthday gift yesterday. 5. When I was younger, I ...…. how to play this game. 6. We didn’t have a map, but we ...…. the way to the castle easily. 7. My boss was furious because I ...…. to post his letters. 8. Professor Huckley , ...…. us psychology last term. II. Uzupełnij zdania poprawną formą czasownika w czasie Past Simple: 1. My brother ...…. (fall) down a flight of stairs and ...…. (break) his leg last Thursday. 2. Five months ago, our uncle ...…. (fly) to Canada on business. 3. I ...…. (get) angry when Terry ...…. (tell), me that the computer was out of order . 4. Some of us ...…. (drive) to the meeting place and the rest ...…. (go) there on foot. 5. It was three o’clock a.m. when the telephone ...…. (ring). 6. This fur isn’t new. I ...…. (wear) it last winter. 7. The villa doesn’t belong to the Lowells any more . They ...…. (sell) it two weeks age. 8. We ...…. (have to) put on our raincoats because it ……. (begin) to rain heavily . 9. Who …….. (pay) the bill in the restaurant last night ? 10. Where’s my old hat ? Sorry Bill . I …….. (throw) it away last week. 11. It was Dennis who ……. ( give ) Joan a gold ring for her birthday. 12. Do you know this novel? Yes , I ……. (read) it a month ago. 13. Mr Lee’s solution was quite good, but we ……. (choose) the first option ,anyway. 14. ‘What about writing a letter to Andrew ? I ….. (send) him one a week ago . 15. Liverpool …….. ( win ) the Cup last season. I wonder which team is going to get it this year . III. Uzupełnij zdania stosując podane czasowniki: *apologise *last *open *pass * save *serve *travel *turn off * 1. What a rush it was. We ...…. at high speed to get in time. 2. Last morning, Mr Larkin ...…. his shop later than usually. 3. I was grateful to the doctors who ...…. my life after the accident. 4. The dull show ...…. for four hours and we were truly bored. 5. Someone ...…. the electricity, and so it was dark in the house. 6. They ...…. caviar and champagne during the reception. 7. Jack can feel now. He ...…. all his exams last month. 8. His behaviour was impolite, but he ...…. for it to everyone.
Prosze o prawidłowe odpowiedzi na moje dwa ćwiczenia .dzisiaj1.Use the adjective roots in brackets+ -ing and -end to complete the sentences .1. The lesson was ………… so the students were ……… .( interest… )2. The old man feels ……. because his book is relly …… . ( bor…… ) 3. It was a ……… film and everyone in the cinema was very …… . ( frighten…) .4. They were planning a very … holiday that made them feel really … .( excit.. ) 5. The audience were …... by the …… performance they were watching . (amaz…. ) 6. The men were really …. after spending all day doing such a ……. job . (tir… )2.Dopasuj nagłówki do fragmentów listu .A Experience B Greeting C Conclusion D Ending and signature E Interest / inspiration F Address1 ____ Dear Sir or Madam,My name is Ellie Brown and I’m fifteen years old. I have to choose a secondary school now and I think that I’d like to be a police officer. I’d like to go to a specialist school and then to university. I want to help to stop crime in my country.2 ____ I’ve always loved detective stories and when I was a little girl it was my dream to be a detective. Then my younger brother was mugged in a park. I talked to some policemen about it and I became more interested in their job. I like Inspector Rebus films on TV. They are interesting and I learn things about Scotland.3 ____ My father helped me to find a part-time job in a bar for police officers. They sometimes talked to me. They usually talked about mugging and robbery. They told me how to protect myself. I often talked to my friends about it.4 ____ I’d like to learn more about being a police officer. I hope you’ll give me a chance to spend a day or two at KidZania. I look forward to hearing from you.5 ____ Yours faithfully, Ellie Brown
Prosze o uzupełnienie 2 cwiczeń po angielsku .1..Uzupełnij zdania czasownikami podanymi w nawiasach , dodając to lub końcówkę - ing1. They took a cab ……. ( be ) there early .2. He rang .... ( make ) an appointment .3. Don't forget ..... ( write ) us a text massage when you get there .4. My mum just hates …… ( eat ) in bed .5. Please bring your girlfriend ……. ( have ) lunch witch us , OK ?6.They don’t mind …….. ( do ) all the shopping themselves- they just need they money and at least three hours …….. ( finish ) .7. Will you remember ……… ( tell ) him all about Mary and Ted ?8. John’s sister really enjoys …….. ( sleep ) till late .9. I don’t want …….. ( buy ) another sweater . I like the one I’ve got .10. I think you’re really good at …….. ( organize ) parties like that .2. Uzupełnij wypowiedzi zgodnie z podanymi wskazówkami . Użyj odpowiednio dopasowanych zwrotów z ramki .apologize to me , help me with , listen to , go to the cinema , ring me , buy bread .1. Poproś koleżankę , żeby nie zapomniała do ciebie zadzwonić wieczorem .Please don’t forget ……… tonight .2. Zażądaj natychmiastowych przeprosin od brata .I want you ………. right now !3.Zaproś koleżankę do kina na jutrzejszy wieczór .Would you like ………. ?4. Poproś kolegę o pomoc w naprawie roweru .Can I ask you ………. ?5. Powiedz czego lubisz słuchać .I Quito enjoy …….. .6. Powiedz mamie , że pamiętałeś /- łaś o tym , żeby zrobić zakupy w drodze ze szkoły .Yes , Mum , I remembered ……… on my way back from school .

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