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Adam Małysz ur.3 grudnia 1977r. w Wiśle. Jest to polski skoczek narciarski . Medalista wielu mistrzostw świata. czterokrotny medalista olimpijski, czterokrotny indiwidualny mistrz świata ,czterokrotny w tym trzykrotny z rzędu zdobywca pucharu świata . czterokrotnie wybierany najlepszym sportowcem polski .Adam pierwszy skok wykonał w wieku 6 lat w 1983 r . W styczniu w 1993 r w wieku 15 lat zadebiutował w pucharze świata w kombinacji norweskiej zajmując dalekie miejsce . Później zdobył wice mistrzostwo Polski juniorów kombinacji. Adam Małysz ma jeszcze wiele licznych osiągnięć .Podziwiam go za determinacje ,upór i wytrwałość bo przecież nie zawsze zdobywał pierwsze miejsca.
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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Adam Małysz was born on 3th December in 1977 in Wisla. He's a Polish ski-jumper. A medallist in a lot of world championships. A fourfold olympic medallist, fourfold an individual world champion, fourfold therein threefold winner of the World Cup. Fourfold chosen as the best polish sportman. Adam made his first jump, when he was 6 in 1983. In January 1993,when he was 15 he made his debut in the World Cup in Norwegian combination took a distant place. He won the vice championship in the Junior's. Adam Małysz has many developments. I admire him for his determination, obstination and purpose,because he didn't always win first places.
Adam Małysz was born on 3 December 1977. in the Wisla. It's a Polish ski jumper. He was a Medallist of the World Championships in Ski Jumping. Four-times he won the Olympic medallist, four-times indiwidualny World Champion in Ski Jumping. He got four times the World Championships, in it three times from the row . Four times he was chosen with the best Polish athlete. First Adam performed the jump in the century of 6 years in 1983. When Adam had 6 years old in 1983, he performed his first jump. In January in 1993 when Adam had 15 years old, he made his debut in the Cup of World in the Norwegian combination, where he get the high place. Later he got tricks the Polish Championship of juniors of the combination. Adam Małysz still has a lot of achievements. I am admiring him for determinations, the obstinacy and the perseverance, because not always he has get the top one spot.