Prosze napisac po angielsku o swojej ulubionej książce. Ja chce O Harrym Poterze byle którą część. Napisać autorów, głównych bohaterów i opisać troche wydarzeń. Prosze ze 6-7 zdań :) Prosze zacząć tak: My favourite book is...
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My favourite book is... harry potter They tell stories of no ordinary boy, Harry Potter .. On the day of his eleventh birthday Harry Potter, living with relatives, family, the Dursleys, he learned that he is a wizard, and his parents died in a car accident, but were killed by the wizard Lord Voldemort . Harry was accepted to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry Hogwarts, where he met his first ever friend Ron Weasley, and became friends with Hermione Granger. Throughout the series of books boyfriend and his friends have amazing adventures in the wizarding world and discover the amazing secrets of the world around them. The author of this novel is a well-known British writer Joanne Kathleen Rowling. Unfortunately, it is written, only seven volumes of stories, which all may mean that there are a lot, but I'm still happy czytałbym new adventures and struggles of Harry Potter and other characters in this wonderful wizarding world. Thank you for listening to my presentation.