Proszę tylko o sprawdzenie i poprawki. Jeżeli ktoś sam nie wie, niech tego nie robi.
Jego polecenie brzmiało.:
'Uczestniczyłaś niedawno w ważnej uroczystości rodzinnej. Napisz list do koleżanki ze Stanów Zjednoczonych.
- poinformuj w jakiej uroczystości brałaś udział i kiedy się ona odbyła,
- opisz jak wyglądało przygotowanie uroczystości i jaka była w niej twoja rola,
- wspomnij o nieprzewidzianej sytuacji, która miała miejsce podczas uroczystości i napisz jak uczestnicy uroczystości sobie z nią poradzili,
- opisz swoje wrażenia z uroczystości oraz wrażenia pozostałych uczestników.'
I tu mój list.
Hi, Joanna
It was good to hear from you. I'm happy you're doing well.
I'm writing to tell you about my cousin birthday. Marta eightenn birthday's party happend a week ago, we celebrated at her house.
A whole family taking part in preparation for this celebration. Grandmothers bake a big chocolate birthday cake, make a delicious food, my brothers make a decorate, ador room and table and prepare seat to guests.
I was responsible for a music, so I spend a lot of time composing list.
When party was ready, guest are coming. My mother look! There was no candle on birthady cake!. Everyone start to search. So lucky I fond it, candles was on table.
Party was really nice. My cousin have a big surprise. It was great and everyone had a good time.
Take care.
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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Hi Joanna,
It is good to hear from you. I;m happy that you're doing well.
I'm writing because i want to tell you about my cousin's birthday. Marta eighteen birthday's party was a week ago. We celebrated it in her home.
A whole family took part in preparation for this celebration. Gradmother baked a big chocolate birthday cake, made a delicious food. My bother decorated a room, table and prepared seats for guests.
I was resposible for a music, so I spend a lof of time for composing music list.
When the party was ready, guest were coming. My mother said that there is no candle on birthday cake so everyone startes to searching. I was lucku and I found it. Candles were on the table. Party was really nice. My cousin ad a big surprise. It was great and everyone had a good time.
Take care.
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