Proszę o sprawdzenie, ewentualne poprawki. ;)
list z zażaleniem, napisze po polsku o co chodziło :
1.nie jestem zadowolna z kursu przygotowawczego do bycia instruktorem jogi
2.miał on trwać 7 dni, trwał 5
3. miało byc paru , zmiennych istruktorów, był tylko 1
4.kurs był zle przygotowany
dear mr smith
I am writing to complain about the preparatory to be inctructors of joga course.I started attending this course a week ago.
The course has not been provided properly.
Let me remind you that there are two main problems with the course.
First the course according to brochure should continue 7 days, but it was only lasts 3 days. Secondly it may be 3 instructors, the may be change. The course drive only one instructors.
The course was poorly provided.
Tylko beż zadnych translatorów, tak to ja też moge sama. Proszę o pomoc kompetentna osobe, znająco język ;) pozdrawiam
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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I am writing to complain about the preparatory to be inctructors of joga course.I started attending this course one week ago. (stylistycznie lepiej wygląda one niz samo a)
The course has not been provided properly.
Let me remind you that there are two main problems with the course.
First, the course (according to brochure) should continue 7 days, but it was only lasts 3 days. Secondly it may be 3 instructors, and they may change, butin the course was only one instructor.
The course was poorly provided.
w przedostatnim akapicie byllo kilka bledów. mysle ze wszystkie poprawilam :)