Proszę przetłumaczyć natępujące pytania i odpowiedzi do nich.Bardzo proszę nie używać pomocy typu translator bo będzie SPAM.Musi być bardzo dobrze przetłumaczone
1.Jak spędziłaś wakację?
Wakację spędziłam bardzo dobrze.
2.Gdzie byłaś?
Byłam w górach.
3.Kiedy tam byłaś?
Byłam tam w lipcu.
4.Z kim byłaś.
Byłam z rodziną.
5.Jak minęła podróż?
Podróż minęła bardzo dobrze.
6.Jak długo zajęła podróż?
Podróż zajęła 8 godzin.
7.Jak dalego to było?
Około 600km
8.Jak tam dotarłaś?
Dotarłam tam smochodem.
9.Gdzie się zatrzymałaś?
Zatrzymałam się w hotelu.
10.Jaka była nazwa pensjonatu?
Pensjonat nazywał się "Orla Perć"((tego nie tłumacz.)
11.Jakie zaplecze tam było?
W skład zaplecza wchodził basen,stół bilardowy i sauna.
12.Jak długo tam byłaś?
Byłam tam 2 tygodnie.
13.Jakie intersujące miejsca zwiedziłaś?
Zwiedziłam między innymi............
14.Czy poznałaś jakiś ludzi?
15.Jakie pamiątki kupiłaś.
Kupiłam oscypki.
16.Jakimi językami mówiłaś?
Mówiłam po polsku.
17.Kiedy wróciłaś?
Na początku sierpnia.
18.Jak spędzałaś wolny czs?
Spacerowałam po ...........
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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1. How did you spend your holiday?
I spent my holiday very good.
2. Where were you?
I was in the mountains.
3. When were you there?
I was there in July.
4.Whom there were you with?
I was with my family.
5. How did pass the travel?
The travel passed good.
6. How long did take a travel?
The travel took 8 hours.
7. How far it was?
600 km.
8. How did you reach there?
I reached there by car.
9. Where did you stay?
I stayed in a hotel.
10. What was the name of the boarding house?
The boarding house called "Orla Perć".
11. What back was there?
In a back included: swimming pool, a billiard table and a sauna.
12. How long were you there?
I was there two weeks.
13. What interesting places did you tour?
I toured ...
14. Did you know some poeple?
Yes, I knew.
15. What souvenirs did you buy?
I bought smoked ewe's milk cheese.
16. What languages did you speak?
I spoke in Polish.
17. How were you spending a free time?
I was walking the mountains.
1.How do you spent holiday?
I spent very good.
2. Where were you?
I was in mountains.
3. When were you there?
I was there in July.
4. Who was with you.
I was with my family.
5. How was there?
Was very good.
6. How much time you were travelling to point?
I was travelling 4 hours.
7. How far is it?
Some 600 km.
8. What do you were going to point?
I was travelled by car.
9. Where stopped you?
I stopped in hotel.
10. What's name pension's?
Pension's name was "Orla Perć".
11. ?
12. How long you were there?
I was there 2 weeks.
13. Which interesting places you visited?
I visited inter alia:...
14. Met you some friends?
Yes, I met.
15. Which souvenirs bought you?
I bought sheep cheeses.
16. Which languages used you?
I used polish.
17. When were you back
I was back in start August.
18. How spent you spare-time?
I walked in...