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Wideo zostało nakręcone na terenie opuszczonej fabryki celulozy znajdującej się we wsi. Film opiera się na zasadzie szeroko rozumianego kontrastu. Chłodne budynki opuszczonej fabryki stykają się z ekspresyjnymi kształtami abstrakcji, kolory zostają skonfrontowane z szarością i apatią czarno-białej taśmy. Powstaje w ten sposób nowy kontekst wizualny z architekturą postindustrialną w roli głównej. Warstwa dźwiękowa wypełniona jest muzyką skomponowaną zgodnie z naturalnym rytmem wideo - jest jego dopełnieniem, wpisując się w temat obraz\dźwięk. Chciałem też opowiedzieć o tej mało znanej fabryce, która po roku 1989 całkowicie upadła stając się podobnie jak wiele innych obiektów symbolem przemysłowym XX w.
The video was recorded in the area of an abandoned cellulose factory located in a village. The film is based on a widely understood rule of contrast. Gloomy buildings of the abandoned factory are contrasted with expressive shapes of abstraction, colours are confronted with sombreness and apathy of a black and white recording. In this manner a new visual context is created, along with post-industrial architecture constituing a main part of the scenario. The soundtrack is filled with music composed in accordance with the natural rhythm of the video - it complements it, becoming a part of a dualistic nature of vision and sound. I would also like to tell about this less known factory, which has completly fallen into ruin after 1989, and it has become, as many other objects, a symbol of the 20th century industrialism.
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The video was shot on abandoned cellulose factory premises located in a village. [przydałaby się nazwa tej wioski, a jeżeli chodziło ci o wieś ogólnie, nie o konkretną miejscowość to napisz 'in the country']
The film is based on a rule of widely understood contrast. Distant buildings of the abandoned factory are set with expressive shapes of abstract, colours are contrasted with dullness and apathy of a black and white tape.
In such manner, a fresh visual context with post-industrial architecture in a leading role is brought into existence.
The soundtrack is brimming with music composed by the natural rhythm of the film - it fortifies it and combines with audio-visual theme.
I also want to mention the little-known factory, which has completely fallen into decay after 1989, and it has become, as many other buildings, a symbol of the 20th-century industrialism.
The film is based on a widely understood rule of contrast.
Gloomy buildings of the abandoned factory are contrasted with expressive shapes of abstraction, colours are confronted with sombreness and apathy of a black and white recording.
In this manner a new visual context is created, along with post-industrial architecture constituing a main part of the scenario.
The soundtrack is filled with music composed in accordance with the natural rhythm of the video - it complements it, becoming a part of a dualistic nature of vision and sound.
I would also like to tell about this less known factory, which has completly fallen into ruin after 1989, and it has become, as many other objects, a symbol of the 20th century industrialism.
The film is based on a rule of widely understood contrast. Distant buildings of the abandoned factory are set with expressive shapes of abstract, colours are contrasted with dullness and apathy of a black and white tape.
In such manner, a fresh visual context with post-industrial architecture in a leading role is brought into existence.
The soundtrack is brimming with music composed by the natural rhythm of the film - it fortifies it and combines with audio-visual theme.
I also want to mention the little-known factory, which has completely fallen into decay after 1989, and it has become, as many other buildings, a symbol of the 20th-century industrialism.