October 2018 1 17 Report

Proszę o wskazanie błędów w tym tekście, jeżeli są. Proszę o sprawdzenie, czy też został dobrze dobrany Czas. Prosiłabym o poprawnośc, gdyż te informacje będą mi potrzebne do prezentacji z projektu :) . Z góry dzięki! Oczywiście daję naj.

Easter holidays are celebrated in the USA only on Sunday. American children's favorite activity is to prepare eggs. Easter eggs decorated Easter tree. Americans also adorns holiday homes, inside and outside.

Americans don't know the tradition of holy food on Holy Saturday. There isn't the habit of sharing the receipt of the egg and wishes. Easter breakfast is usually eats in the restaurant. The most popular Easter dish is cooked ham with potatoes and vegetables.

In the USA, on the other hand, people exchange coloured and chocolate eggs. They also send cards to friends and family. Chocolate eggs are hidden in the different places at home by adults and the children search them. They believe that Easter Bunny bring the presents for them! When all eggs are found, children can eat them as a prize. This tradition is also cultivated in the White House and it is named Easter Egg Hunt.

Jeszcze raz dzięki serdeczne! Pozdrawiam! ;))

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