Proszę o sprawdzenia mi tego tekstu pod względem błędów językowych itp.Z góry dzięki.Potrzebuje tego jak najszybciej:
My name is Matthew. I have sixteen and and elder brother about year Adriana. I come from the Polish and I live in Kętrzyn. My city is crowded in rush hours I have several parks where you where you can stroll .I live with my grandparents. My mother working in England and is very happy with this job. I have sister and brother. My sister live in Kętrzyn,Milena is twenty years old and my brother seventeen .I do not have any animals except fish, which I already have five years.
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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I'm sixteen and i have elder brother
poza tym wszystko ok :)
My name is Matthew. I have sixteen years old and and elder brother about year Adriana. I come from the Polish and I live in Kętrzyn. My city is crowded in rush hours I have several parks where you where you can stroll .I live with my grandparents. My mother working in England and is very happy with this job. I have sister and brother. My sister live in Kętrzyn,Milena has twenty years and my brother seventeen .I don't have any animals except fish, which I already have five years.
Miałes kilka drobnych błedów, ale poza tym jest ok :) Ciesze się ze mogłem pomóc.