Proszę o przetłumaczenie zdań oraz proszę do tych zdań zrobić pytania i przeczenia. 1. Ja zamierzam zdać egzamin. 2. Ty piszesz test teraz. 3. Ona uczy się angielskiego codziennie. 4. On posprzątał pokój wczoraj. 5. My oglądaliśmy telewizję cały wieczór. 6. Wy przewietrzyliście pokój. 7. One zaśpiewają piosenkę jutro.
1. I'm going to pass the exam. Am I going to pass the exam ? I'm not going to pass the exam.
2. You're writing the test now. Are you writing the test now ? You aren't writing the test now.
3. She studies english everyday Does she study english everyday ? She deoesn't study english everyday.
4. He cleaned the room yesterday. Did he cleaning the room yesterday ? He didn't clean the room yesterday.
5. We were watching tv the whole evening. Were we watching tv the whole evening ? We weren't watching tv the whole evening.
6. You ventilated the room. Did you ventilated the room ? You didn't ventilated the room.
7. They will sing a song tomorrow. Will they sing a song tomorrow ? They won't sing a song tomorrow.
Am I going to pass the exam ?
I'm not going to pass the exam.
2. You're writing the test now.
Are you writing the test now ?
You aren't writing the test now.
3. She studies english everyday
Does she study english everyday ?
She deoesn't study english everyday.
4. He cleaned the room yesterday.
Did he cleaning the room yesterday ?
He didn't clean the room yesterday.
5. We were watching tv the whole evening.
Were we watching tv the whole evening ?
We weren't watching tv the whole evening.
6. You ventilated the room.
Did you ventilated the room ?
You didn't ventilated the room.
7. They will sing a song tomorrow.
Will they sing a song tomorrow ?
They won't sing a song tomorrow.