Proszę o przetłumaczenie zdań na język angielski daje naj szybko
1.Przyjechał już? 2.Powinien już być 3.Jaki film wybrałeś? 4.Lubię horrory 5.Musiałem coś załatwić 6.Więc włączam film 7.Przyniosę popcorn 8.Jasne że tak 9.To co robimy dalej? 10.Może zagramy w piłkę nożną? 11.Podaj do mnie 12.Gratuluję wygranej 13.Mam pomysł 14.Jaki? 15.Bardzo dobry pomysł 16.Dziś jest idealna pogoda na spacer 17.Spójrzcie na pływające łabędzie i kaczki 18.I jak tam zdjęcia? 19.Dobra wracajmy, może obejrzymy jeszcze jakiś film? 20.Masz jakieś fajne filmy? 21.Chyba będę się już zbierał 22.Ja też , pózno się zrobiło z góry dzięki pozdrawiam
1. Did already arrive? 2. Should already be. 3. What film did you choose? 4. I like horror movies. 5. I had to settle of something. 6. So I am including the film. 7. I will bring the popcorn. 8. Of course, that yes, 9. What we are doing farther? 10. Perhaps we will play football? 11. Pass to me. 12. My congratulations on your victory. 13. I have an idea. 14. Which? 15. It's very good idea. 16. There is a perfect weather for the walk today. 17. Look at swimming swan and ducks. 18. And how photographs? 19. Goods let us come back, perhaps we will still watch some film? 20. Do you have some cool films? 21. Probably I will already be gathering . 22. I also, late was formed.
2. Should already be.
3. What film did you choose?
4. I like horror movies.
5. I had to settle of something.
6. So I am including the film.
7. I will bring the popcorn.
8. Of course, that yes,
9. What we are doing farther?
10. Perhaps we will play football?
11. Pass to me.
12. My congratulations on your victory.
13. I have an idea.
14. Which?
15. It's very good idea.
16. There is a perfect weather for the walk today.
17. Look at swimming swan and ducks.
18. And how photographs?
19. Goods let us come back, perhaps we will still watch some film?
20. Do you have some cool films?
21. Probably I will already be gathering .
22. I also, late was formed.