Proszę o przetłumaczenie tych kilku zdań: Moim największym marzeniem z dzieciństwa jest pojechać i spędzić kilka tygodni na Wyspach Bahama. Mam nadzieję, że moje marzenie się kiedyś spełni. Bardzo tego pragnę.
W szkole średniej chodziłam na dodatkowe zajęcia sportowe. Bardzo lubię sport zwłaszcza grę w siatkówkę i aerobić. Raz nawet nasza drużyna zajęła pierwsze miejsce w zawodach szkolnych. codziennie staram się biegać i ćwiczyć by mieć wysportowaną sylwetkę i dobrą kondycję.
From the childhood he is my greatest dream to go and to spend a few weeks on Bahama Islands. I hope that they at one time are making my dreams come true. Very much I want it.
At the secondary school I went to an sports extra jobs. Very much I like sport especially a game of the volleyball and aerobić. Once even our squad has occupied the top one spot in the school competition. every day I try to run and to exercise in order to have the athletic silhouette and the good condition.
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My the biggest dream from my childhood is to go and spend several weeks in the Bahamas. I hope that my dream ever be fulfilled. I would like very much. In high school I went to extra sports. I really like to play sports especially volleyball and aerobics. Once even our team won first place in competitions school. I try to run every day and practice to have an athletic figure and good health.
At the secondary school I went to an sports extra jobs. Very much I like sport especially a game of the volleyball and aerobić. Once even our squad has occupied the top one spot in the school competition. every day I try to run and to exercise in order to have the athletic silhouette and the good condition.
I hope that my dream ever be fulfilled. I would like very much.
In high school I went to extra sports. I really like to play sports especially volleyball and aerobics.
Once even our team won first place in competitions
I try to run every day and practice to have an athletic figure and good health.