Proszę o przetłumaczenie tego tekstu na język angielski!
Podoba mi się pewien chłopak, który jest o rok mlodszy ode mnie. Nie wiem czy go kocham czy to tylko zauroczenie, ale nie moge o nim przestac myśleć. Wiem, że on też do mnie coś czuje. Czasem gdy się widzimy, często na mnie patrzy, a potem szybko ucieka wzrokiem. Proszę pomóż! Jak mam nas do siebie zbliżyć?
Może spróbuj najpierw zagadać do niego wirtualnie. Wiadomo, że nasza-klasa jest doskonałym portalem umożliwiającym komunikowanie, więc może spróbuj najpierw zostawić jakiś komentarz. W ten sposób nawiążesz z nim jakiś bliższy kontakt. Jeśli on jest nieśmiały to taki kontakt będzie mu odpowiadał, a z czasem ośmielicie się oboje, aby zbliżyć się do siebie także w realu.
I like him certain boy which is for the year mlodszy from me. I don't know whether I love him whether it is only enthralling, but not moge about it przestac to think. I know that he also feels something towards me. With time when we see ourselves, he often looks at me, and then quickly he is escaping with eyesight.Please help! How am I supposed to bring us closer to myself?
Perhaps try at first to start talking to him virtually. It is obvious, that nasza-klasa he is an excellent portal enabling to announce, so perhaps try at first to leave some commentary. In this way you will establish some close contact with him.If he is shy such a contact will suit him, and with time you will dare both in order to approach oneself also in the real.
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I like him certain boy which is for the year young from me. I don't know whether I love him whether it is only enthralling, but can't about it stop to think. I know that he also feels something towards me. With time when we see ourselves, he often looks at me, and then quickly he is escaping with eyesight. Please help! How am I supposed to bring us closer to myself? Perhaps try at first to start talking to him virtually. It is obvious, that 'nasza-klasa' <our-class> he is an excellent portal enabling to announce, so perhaps try at first to leave some commentary. In this way you will establish some close contact with him. If he is shy such a contact will suit him, and with time you will dare both in order to approach oneself also in the real.
Perhaps try at first to start talking to him virtually. It is obvious, that nasza-klasa he is an excellent portal enabling to announce, so perhaps try at first to leave some commentary. In this way you will establish some close contact with him.If he is shy such a contact will suit him, and with time you will dare both in order to approach oneself also in the real.
Perhaps try at first to start talking to him virtually. It is obvious, that 'nasza-klasa' <our-class> he is an excellent portal enabling to announce, so perhaps try at first to leave some commentary. In this way you will establish some close contact with him. If he is shy such a contact will suit him, and with time you will dare both in order to approach oneself also in the real.
mam nadzieję, że pomogłam :]