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Rodzice którzy go szukali obawiali się bardzo, że Thomasowi przytrafiło się coś strasznego. Jedyne co mogli zrobić to rozlepić plakaty ze zdjęciem syna. Dwa dni później pewien młody mężczyzna przybył do miasta i zgłosił policji ze widział chłopca o podobnym opisie w sąsiednim miasteczku. Zeznał też ze był to blondyn o zielonych oczach miał na sobie niebieską kurtkę, czerwoną czapkę, czarne spodnie oraz wyglądał na bardzo zmartwionego. Rozpoczęto przeszukiwania. Znaleziono go u pewnej kobiety która zgłosiła na policję ze spotkała dziecko bawiące się same na placu zabaw. Okazało się, ze tym dzieckiem był Thomas. Chłopiec uciekł z domu ponieważ słyszał straszną kłótnię rodziców oraz stwierdził ze się rozwiodą. W szkole opowiadał mu przyjaciel ze gdy jego rodzice się kłócili to potem się rozwiedli. Chłopiec się wystraszył i chciał jechać do swojej babci lecz pomylił drogę i się zgubił. Historia Thomasa skończyła się szczęśliwie a rodzice wytłumaczyli mu ze kłócili się z błahego powodu. Sprawa została zamknięta
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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Parents which searched for it were afraid very much that something terrible had happened to Thomas. Only whatever they could do to put up posters with removing the son. Two days later certain the young man arrived in the city and reported to police around could see the boy about the similar description in the adjacent small town. He also testified around was the blonde man about green eyes had it on himself blue jacket, red hat, black trousers and looked very much worried. Searching was commenced. He was found at the certain woman which reported to the police around met oneself the entertaining child on the playground. It turned out, with this child Thomas was. The boy escaped from the house since could hear the terrible quarrel of parents as well as stated around will get divorced. At school a friend told him around when his parents quarrelled it then got divorced. The boy got scared and wanted to go to his grandmother but went the wrong way and got lost. Thomas' history ended happily and parents explained him around quarrelled for the trivial reason. The matter was closed.
Parents who searched for him were really afraid that something terrible had happened to Thomas. The only thing they could do was to put up posters with the photograph of their son. Two days later, a young man arrived to the city and reported to the police that he had seen a boy similar to the description in the nearby town. He also testified that it was a blonde-haired boy with green eyes, wearing a blue jacket, red cap, black pants and looked very worried. The search began. He was found by a woman who reported to the police that she had met a child playing alone at the playground. It turned out that this boy was Thomas. The boy escaped from the house because he heard a terrible parents' quarrel and thought they will get divorced. At school, a friend told him that when his parents quarrelled they eventually got divorced. The boy got scared and wanted to go to his grandmother but went the wrong way and got lost. Thomas' history ended happily and parents explained him that they had quarrelled for a trivial reason. The matter was closed.