Proszę o przetłumaczenie tego na język angielski:
"W zeszły weekend widziałam film pt. " Słyszeliście o Morganach". Główne role grają Hugh Grant (Paul) i Sarah Jessica Parker (Meryl). Jest to komedia romantyczna o parze z Manhattanu, która odnosi liczne sukcesy w pracy. Jednak ich związek małżeński się rozpada. Paul i Meryl zostaną świadkami morderstwa i celem dla wynajętego zabójcy. Policja zamierza ich chronić, ponieważ są bardzo ważnymi świadkami. Przewożą Morganów z ich ukochanego Manhattanu do małego miasteczka w Wyoming. I tutaj zaczynają się perypetie bohaterów, ponieważ ciężko jest im przystosować się do nowego miejsca. Najbardziej zapamiętałam scenę, w której Paul ucieka przed ogromnym niedźwiedziem. To było bardzo zabawne. Film jest bardzo romantyczny, ale też bardzo śmieszny. Szczerze polecam ten film."
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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Movie to last weekend about " see entitled " hear " Morganach. Main roles play paul grant ( ) Hugh and ( ) Sarah Jessica Parker Meryl. There is romantic comedy about steam (couple) from manhatten, which (who) carries numerous progress in work. However, conjugal relationship (association) disintegrates . Paul and become (stay) witness of slaying Meryl and for rented murderer purpose. Police intend they (their) protect (take shelter), as there is important witness very. They transport with their for small village in (to) manhatten beloved < sweetheart > Morganów Wyoming. And here ups and downs of heroes are begun , as it is accommodate for new place heavily memorial < they (their) >. I have remembered (have stored) stage most, paul runs away in which (who) before huge bear. There was very amusing. Movie is very romantic, and also very funny. I advice this movie sincerely. "
Last weekend saw the movie Fri "Did You Hear About the Morgans". Starring Hugh Grant (Paul) and Sarah Jessica Parker (Meryl). It is a romantic comedy about a couple in Manhattan who refers a number of successes at work. But their marriage is falling apart. Paul and Meryl are witnesses to the murder and hired killers. The police will protect them, because they are very important witnesses. Morgan carry their beloved Manhattan to a small town in Wyoming. And here begins the adventures of the characters, because it is difficult to adapt to a new place. Most remember the scene in which Paul runs away from a huge bear. It was very funny. The film is very romantic, but also very funny. I highly recommend this movie.