Problem: Nie mogę się dogadać z rodzicami, ciągle się o coś kłócimy, na nic mi nie pozwalają. Proszę o pomoc.
Odpowiedz: Rodzice się o ciebie martwią. Spróbuj spędzać z nimi więcej czasu. Gdy rozmawiacie staraj się nie podnosić głosu. Postaraj się być bardziej odpowiedzialna , zawsze im mów gdzie wychodzisz i z kim. Pamiętaj że oni cię bardzo kochają i chcą tyko twojego dobra.
Problem: I can not get along with their parents constantly argue about something, at anything I do not allow. Please help.
Reply: Parents worried about you. Try to spend more time with them. When talking about try not to raise your voice. Try to be more responsible, always tell them where to go out and with whom. Remember that they love you very much and wish only as your own good.
I can not get along with their parents constantly argue about something, at anything I do not allow. Please help.
Parents worried about you. Try to spend more time with them. When talking about try not to raise your voice. Try to be more responsible, always tell them where to go out and with whom. Remember that they love you very much and wish only as your own good.
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