Proszę o przetłumaczenie na język angielski. Lany poniedziałek to drugi dzien Wielkiej Nocy. W tym dniu dorośli jak i dzieci leją na siebie wodę. Przeważnie używają do tego pistoletów, kubełków lub butelek na wode. Najczęście oblewani sa dziewczynki i chłopcy, a takze niektorzy leja wode na samochody. Myśle ze lany poniedzialek to bardzo fajne swieto poniewaz mozna zaszalec i kazdy bardzo dobrze sie bawi.
Wet Monday is the second day of Easter day. On that day, adults and children at each water hopper. Mostly to use pistols, buckets and bottles on the water. Most are coated girls and boys, and some water on the hopper cars. I think, that wet monday is very cool holiday because you can go crazy and everyone is playing very well.
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Wet Monday is the second day of Easter. On that day, adults and children at each water hopper. Mostly use for the guns, buckets and water bottles. Most are coated girls and boys, as well as some water on the hopper cars. I think the cast Monday is a very cool festival because you can go crazy and everyone enjoys very good.