Proszę o przetłumaczenie na jez ang, bardzo pilne.."'Pierwszy miesiąc moich wakacji spedziłam w domu.Nie mogę powiedziec ze sie nudzilam poniewaz bardzo czesto spotykalam sie z przyjaciolmi. W sloneczne dni spedzalismy czas nad woda a kiedy pogoda nie dopisywala wspominalismy wspolnie dawne czasy i bylo na prawde zabawnie. Staralam sie takze pomagac moim rodzicom w domu. W weekendy jezdzilismy na dyskoteki ale byłam tez na kilku 18-stkach moich kolezanek.W sierpniu pojechalam do mojej siostry ciotecznej ktora mieszka w warszawie. Czesto chodzilysmy na zakupy , zwiedzalysmy galerie , chodziłyśmy na basen oraz do parku.. Wieczorami chodzilysmy do kina badz spedzalysmy czas w domu z jej przyjaciolmi.Poznalam tam kilka fajnych osob z ktorymi nadal mam kontakt.Moja siostra pokazala mi takze wiele ciekawych miejsc ktore bardzo mi sie spodobaly..Mimo ze w warszawie spedzilam milo czas brakowalo mi tam moich znajomych i tej ciszy ktora zawsze panowala w mojej miejscowosci. te wakacje minely mi na prawde szybko ale i tak mi sie podobaly
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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First month of my holidays I spent at home. I wasn't bored because I often spent time with friend. On sunny days we spent time by the lake but when the weather wasn't good we recalled old times and it was so funny. I also helped my parents. At weekends I went on parties and 18th birthdays my friends. In August I went to my cousine which lives in Warsaw. We were shopping, swimming and we were in park. In evenings we wnet to cinemas or we spent time at home with her friends. I met there some cool people with I'm having a contact now. My cousine showed me a lot of intresting places, which I very like. In Warsaw I spent a nice time but I was a little bit sad, because there weren't my friends and the silence, which was in my town. This holidays passed so quickly but it was great. :)
First month of my holidays I spent at home. I wasn't bored because I often meets with my friend. In sunny days we were spending time by the.. [like- jezioro , sea-morze , river- rzeka] and when the weather wasn't good we were recalling old times and it was really funny. I also helpd my parents at home. In the weekends we were going on discos but I was on the few 18birthday of my friends too. In August I went to my cousin to Warsaw. We were shopping , swimming and going to a park. At nights we were going to the cinema or we were spending time at home with her friends. I met new people with I'm having contact today. My cousin showed me many interesting places wich very I very like. In a Warsaw I spent a little of my holiday time but I missed there for my friends and I missed about silence which always is in my country. This holiday passed so quickly but I very like them.